torsdag 13. desember 2012

The Wife of Noble Character

  • She is worth far more than rubies
  • Her husband has full confidence in her
  • She brings good, not harm, all the days of her life
  • She provides food for the family
  • Her arms are strong for her tasks
  • She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy
  • When it snows, she has no fear for her household
  • For all of them are clothed in scarlet
  • She is clothed with strength and dignity
  • She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue
  • Her children arise and call her blessed, her husband also, he praises her.

  • Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

onsdag 12. desember 2012


Dekorere kontoret/Decorating of office

Pizza and garlic bread delivered on the door when I'm doing a late night study in the office. I am very blessed by my friends / Jeg fikk pizza levert på døra en kveld mens jeg holdt på med studier på kontoret. Jeg er velsignet med gode venner :)

Rim er det nærmeste jeg kommer snø... Frost is the closest I get to snow.

Christmas market in Bath with Nick and Susan/Julemarket i Bath med Nick og Susan

The surprise of being one of the four that past last year. And I'm an international. /Overraskelsen av å være èn av de fire som bestod i fjor. Og jeg er internasjonal.
#Praise God! I wouldn't be able to do resubmit with doing my degree as well.

Coca-Cola lorry came to Yate/Coca-cola traileren kom til Yate :)

Yummi carvery for diner/Invitert ut på deilig middag :)

A soya toffee nut latte to make the a Monday morning better/ En soya "toffee nut" latte for å gjøre en mandag morgen på stasjonen bedre 

Tea with Mark and the family/Middag hos Mark og familien :)

Lovely package from my mum arrived. I got the best mum ;-) /Jeg fikk kjempe koselig pakke av mamma i posten! Beste i verden :)
Dette er kun en liten del av livet mitt :-) Jeg lærer masse om meg selv, jeg har fantastiske venner, jeg jobber med flotte ungdommer som jeg blir bedre og bedre kjent med, jeg er mye opptatt og jeg er veldig velsignet :)

This is just a small part of my life :) I learn a lot about myself, I have amazing friends, I work with wonderful young people who I get to know better and better, I'm very busy and I'm very blessed :)

onsdag 5. desember 2012

Matthew 18:14 "In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost"
Recently we have been talking to our young people about the love, forgiveness and hope we have in God. Yesterday I was reading in Matthew and I was reminded of that whatever happens in life God does not want to loose us. We are His precious children. There is nothing that can separate us from the love God has for us. However, there are things in life than can separate us from the love we have for him. When we do things wrong it is easy to go hiding from God, thinking that we are not good enough. And as sinful human beings we often mess up. We are not God - we are not perfect. But in times like that remember that God still loves you. He does not want to lose you. As children we sometimes need to be disciplined and convicted for the things we do wrong because we hurt ourselves or other people. A good Father does what is best for His child. It is good to be reminded of our short comings so we realise the need for God in our lives.

Thank you God for your love :)

Matt Redman "You never let go".