lørdag 17. november 2012

Weekend in France!

From the ferry..

I went to France to Caen in France to "bless" with three other from my church from the 10-13th November. We took the ferry from portsmouth to Caen. Here we met up with the bless team and we prayed for the city from the city walls. Then we went to Bethanie, their 'head quarter'. The week was spent with Bible inputs, lots of praying for France, bless, Europe etc (and Norway :D), delicious food, walk and prayer outside, fun time in the apple barn, worship etc. For more information about bless go to www.blessnet.eu. We also went and saw the castle of William the Conqueror.

Kl 05.00 lørdag den 11 November dro jeg sammen med 3 andre fra menigheten til Portsmouth og tok ferja over til Caen i Frankrike. Her møtte vi "bless" teamet. Etter en kopp med te gikk vi opp på bymuren og bad for byen. Deretter dro vi til Bethanie, hovedkvarteret til bless. Dette er en gammel cider gård :) Helga ble tilbrakt med Bibel input, bønn for Frankrike, bless, Europe (inkl Norge!), arbeidet de gjør etc, utrolig god mat, tur i solskinnet og utendørs bønn, historier og musikk i 'eple stallen', lovsang etc. Vi tok oss også en tur og så slottet til William the Conqueror. For mer info om bless gå til www.blessnet.eu 

Click on the picture for a bigger version..

It says Norway on the flag :D A couple of pics of William the conqueror. And a pic from inside a church. Either someone has tried to make some art of these chairs, or someone had a tantrum.. Or they wanted somewhere to place the camera for the service that was filmed there...


The French gave me this to fill in. Although UK didn't want it as Norway is in the EU. WRONG! It's in the EEA, although I didn't tell the lady that. After all of us had to show our passports to board the ferry in France, a lady stopped us and wanted to have a look at my passport and me. Then as we were driving some other security guys started running after the car wanting to see our passports AGAIN!

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