lørdag 5. januar 2013

Highlights of 2012

It's weird looking one year back and realise how much that have changed in just 12 months! Last year at this time of the year I had celebrated Christmas for the first time in England. I had never heard about Yate and didn't know anyone there.  I hadn't even made the choice to continue in SWYM and do a degree! Now I'm half way of my first year, I have got to know loads of great youth and great families. I really love what I'm doing, and I'm really looking forward to see my young people again tomorrow and other people from church. Life is very exciting with God on the team :-)

For bigger picture, click on it..

January: Holiday in Norway

February: Went climbing with friends

March: Kim had taught me poi so we went up to the Hoe and danced :-)

April: Stacey was visiting me in Plymouth

April: Lots of fun at SWYM conference

May: Walk on the Moors

May: Olympic Torch came to Plymouth

June: The Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrated with a church jubilee fair.

June: SWYM mission trip to Germany

June: Went surfing for the first time

June: I turned 21 and celebrated with friends in England

June: Last conference of the year with SWYM Oscars

July: Photo shoot with my wonderful girls :)

July: Preached for the first time in a service in England.

July: Volunteering at SPREE youth camp. Great :-)

July: Ending my placement in Plymstock United Church

July: Out for a meal with host family :-)

August: Holiday with mum and my brother in Sweden

August: Holiday in Norway with friends coming over.

September: Birthday and leaving party for me with extended family

Sep: National Day of Prayer and Worship at Wembley Stadium

Sep: Fun at first conference of the year!
Sep: Moved to Yate, Bristol and started a new placement in Christ the Rock, doing a bachelor in Theology and Mission with a specialisation in youth ministry

 Fun at cluster - with the other SWYM-workers in Bristol

Oct: Visit to Plymstock and had a trip down to Eden project.

Nov: Weekend to Bless in France

Nov: Charity firework even with the young people in Bristol

Nov: I got my youth work certificate!

I've lots of food and good times with families and friends in Yate :-)

 Nov: Wedding!

Dec: Coca-Cola van in Yate

Dec: Youth Christmas parties!

Dec: Bath Christmas market with Nick and Susan :-)

Dec: Sketchboard learning with Mark

Dec: Ice skating on water with our young people :-)

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