torsdag 27. september 2012

Merethe's though of the day...

On Tuesday I felt the need to spend some time with God during work hours so I went down to our quite room and I was really happy when I felt that the Holy Spirit was speaking. First I had a look through psalm 23 and was thinking about what it means to be. Then I did a casual look at the picture on the wall with the quote from Isaiah 43:2 "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you". As I was looking at the picture I starting thinking about how that applies to me.

A river can be hard to cross because of the water stream coming against you. In our life there are a lot of things that come against us, and sometimes all we want to do is letting go and follow the stream. This can relate to the way I behave, talk, drink, dress etc. Sometimes it is hard to follow the Bible, even though you know that God wants the best for you. Other times it feels like a new wave has just pushed you over and is dragging you down. Things you did not expect. Parents separating, sudden death of family members, illnesses, tons of schools work. I do speak from personal experience and I have had periods in life where I have just been waiting for the next wave that will drag me under. But God has been there all the time. He has promised us that when we go through hard times, He will be there with us. He will be there with you. Psalm 23 says "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quite waters, he restores my soul".

If I choose to make God my shepherd, to give Him the lead, He will guide me to quite waters. In other words he will lead me to a place of peace where I can rest and restore my soul. This is not just words. I know it is true, because I have experienced it. I know that when I walk close with God that is when I feel most at peace. And that is why I want God to be my #1.

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